What are the economic benefits to communities if schools address the needs of gifted students?

Less spent on mental health programs if the needs of gifted students are being met. Kids who are being heard, understood and respected don’t get as much existential anxiety and depression. … Plus well supported gifted kids become well adjusted gifted adults who are highly productive, creative and innovative and will contribute amazing things. — Helen Parris

I think this is key. Gifted advocacy often focuses on the advantages to society of educating gifted kids. We also need to talk about the damage done to children when their ed needs go unmet. — Tedra Osell

Rural and regional kids have less access to high quality extracurricular programs that tend to fill some of the gaps in their general schooling. So cuts to gifted ed means that there are just gaps that don’t get filled. Of course this is an equity issue facing low socioeconomic gifted kids in metropolitan areas as well. Hence why no gifted programs should be cut. — Helen Parris

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