We pay for public education with tax dollars, so an educational system that benefits every child is important – and a legal right. We considered private school for our child, however an educationally rigorous program did not exist unless we wanted to transport our son long distances. When the ASPIRE GT program for the highly gifted was created, my son benefited immediately. Not only did I see a difference in his demeanor, but teachers that he saw only twice a week noticed he became a leader, started having fun, and found his true self. He suffered from anxiety at the age of 5 because of a school environment that didn’t understand his needs. Once he was placed in a gifted program, his anxiety lessened dramatically. He excels now, in all areas. He’s found his people! I’m so glad he doesn’t have to endure the taunts and constant reminders that he is different or “other”, as I did in school. His teachers like Mrs Patton, Mrs Hollinger, and Mrs Ballard really “got him” and knew exactly how to draw out his best traits, while helping him when he was down on himself or struggled with anxiety and perfectionism.